MONDAY 4th Dec


08.00 - 08.45

Registration, Agriculture Victoria, Tatura SmartFarm, 255 Ferguson Road, Tatura

08.45 - 08.55

Welcome Session: Program Overview, Delegate APP, Shuttle Bus, Housekeeping (toilets, mobile, wifi, emergency, smokers hut)

Mark O'Connell

08.55 - 09.10

ISHS Representative

Giulia Marino

09.10 - 09.20

Opening - Head of Agriculture Victoria Research

Simone Warner

09.20 - 10.45

Session 1 - Irrigation and water relations - Chair

Pablo J. Zarco-Tejada

09.20 - 10.00

Keynote Address: Crop water stress sensing for improved management in orchards and vineyards

Victoria Gonzalez-Dugo

10.00 - 10.15

Evapotranspiration and water stress assessment in sweet cherry orchards using in-situ and remote sensing techniques   

Phumudzo Charle Tharaga

10.15 - 10.30

Water stress detection in a large olive orchard using high-resolution multispectral airborne imagery: assessment against CWSI   

Tomas Poblete

10.30 - 10.45

A stereo-imaging system to assess plant water status in kiwifruit and grapevine: recent advances   

Luca Masiero

10.45 - 11.15

Coffee Break, Poster Session, Exhibitor Displays

11.15 - 12.45

Session 2 - Irrigation and water relations - Chair

Luca Corelli Grappadelli

11.15 - 11.30

Validation of the METRIC Model for Estimating Evapotranspiration in Drip-Irrigated Hazelnut Orchards for Precision Irrigation Management   

Samuel Ortega-Farias

11.30 - 11.45

Optimizing water management in young almond orchards with heavy clay soils in southeastern Australia using proximal and remote sensors   

Carlos Ballester

11.45 - 12.00

Using remote sensing models to determine evapotranspiration of a Pomegranate Orchard in a Mediterranean climate

Raesibe Kgaphola

12.00 - 12.15

Irrigatmo: open-source and no-moving parts system for feed-back and feed-forward irrigation scheduling   

Lorenzo Bonzi

12.15 - 12.30

Enhancing Sustainable Water Management: Utilizing UAV-Based NIR/SWIR Hyperspectral Imaging to Evaluate Grapevine Water Status in a Variably Irrigated Vineyard   

Eve Laroche-Pinel

12.30 - 12.45

Decoupling factor and transpiration partitioning of litchi (Litchi sinensis) orchard   

Prince Dangare

12.45 - 13.45

Lunch, Poster Session, Exhibitor Displays

13.45 - 18.00

Tatura SmartFarm Tour

Mark O'Connell

Sundial Orchard

Alessio Scalisi

Narrow Row Systems, Apple Netting Systems, Almond Orchard

Ian Goodwin

Photovoltaics and Pear Orchard

Ian Goodwin, Lexie McClymont

AgTech exhibitors and demonstrations

Rubicon Total Channel Control

Craig Kellow

18.00 - 19.30